This blog outlines how to create an adaptive scope for your retention label policies, to streamline change management of the retention schedule.
When publishing retention labels, users must target publishing locations within their organization, therefore defining a scope. These locations will define where their retention labels are available to end users.
There are 2 types of scopes: Static Scope: which targets a fixed set of locations, meaning that if those locations ever change, users must manually update their policy. Adaptive Scope: which offers an advantage over a static scope as it will automatically update where the scope is applied based on attributes or properties users define. Therefore users, do not have to manually update the policy when changes occur.
Scenario You implement multiple retention policies targeting a specific Department and a new SharePoint site is added to the Department. Static Scope Outcome: Users will need to edit all published policy to include the new site URL and must republish the policies which could take up to 7 days. Adaptive Scope Outcome: Users will need to edit the adaptive scope to include the new site URL. The user will not have to make any other changes. Let's see how to create an Adaptive Scope:
Step 1: Access Microsoft Purview Home Page Step 2: Select “Records Management” Step 3: Select “Adaptive Scopes” Step 4: Select “+ Create Scope”

Step 5: Enter a name and a description for your adaptive scope.
Note: We recommend using the name of the department you are trying to target.

Step 6: Select SharePoint Sites to apply the adaptive scope to specific SharePoint Site URLs.
Optional: Feel free to explore the other set of options for adaptive scope, although not defined any further in this document.

Step 7: User must now define the scope further and define specifically what it should include. Select “Site URL” from the properties drop down menu. Then, enter the URL of the department SharePoint Site. If you wish to add multiple URLs, select “+ Add Property”.
Note (Important): Make sure the site URL entered does not have a “/” at the end, as the policy will not be published on the site.
Step 8: Once the query is made, you will be prompted to review the definition of your adaptive scope and submit. The scope should be automatically ready to use once submitted.